Lo último es el último… lo más reciente no es lo último!

Me saca de onda cada que escucho a uno locutor decir “esto es lo último de…” cuando presentan o hablan de la cancion mas nueva de cualquier artista, que se yo “Disparo al corazón, Lo último de Ricky Martin aqui en la radio que estás escuchando…” a menos que Ricky haya confirmado que no grabará más, este tema es lo mas reciente, no lo último.


Si estas buscando palabras formadas en un orden pre planeado para que digan en un tono de enamorado lo que quiero decir… este probablemente no es el lugar, lo que pasa es que no soy poeta para crear con palabras maravillas para contar.

Son simplemente notas, cosas que pasan… o que de momento me vienen a la mente cosas de mi pasado, cosas que de una u otra forma me parecen propias para poner en letras de mi teclado.

Dicen que de músico, poeta y loco todos tenemos un poco… creo que lo de músico a mi me lo pusieron en lo loco, y lo loco también se robo lo de poeta.

Mis disculpas si les molesta que haya algunas espacios en Español y algunos en Ingles, todo depende de como me sienta en el momento que lo escribo,



My Coachella experience… ~1

I used to do something that in my book was the most amazing thing I could ever do…

The photo below is a self portrait of me, in a long gone radio station in the Coachella Valley, a place where things are more quiet than in the crowded LA area. It all began back in 1994 with a posting in the kitchen of the place where I learned a little about Radio, they were looking for Announcers, no experience required… cool, I didn’t have a drop of experience… it was clear that I could be the one they were looking for, but “where is Coachella?” I asked my self, this was long before the GPS and all the Apps that we carry around on your smart phone this days, I actually didn’t even have a Beeper yet, that was the cool thing at the time; I have to say that there were cell phones already, a very expensive and non useful item for a person like me that live out of washing, parking cars and picking up or dropping off clients of a Car Dealer!

So I started from the beginning and look for this unknown (for me) place on a map that held my dream of working at a radio station. I decided to drive and find out by my self what was it they required to be an Announcer… I talked to a friend of mine (Raul Orozco) and he also decided he wanted to try, after about 4 hours driving we found that amazingly nice little town.

We look for the address and found the office, their studios were somewhere else… after a small conversation the Program Director asked us to follow him to the studios and there, about a mile into the desert there was this little building, 2 cars parked on their lot… walked in and the feeling of being inside a real radio station started to make my heart feel something I’ve never felt before, something like what you feel when you see that girl you really really like and your heart goes into different speeds that make your brain understand that that’s beyond what you have ever felt before. (tobecont)

My other love!

One thing everyone knows is that Coachella is a great city, great history and is known as the “City of Eternal Sunshine” and is the home of the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival